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Category: Core

Oblique Banded Pulldown

The banded oblique pulldown is done with resistance bands of various strength, by gripping the band with both hands in a supinated grip and begin pulling the elbows downward into a deep squat. Contracting the oblique muscles to create flexion in the spine.

Oblique Banded Pulldown

How to perform:

Oblique Banded Pulldown

The banded oblique pulldown is a standing abdominal exercise intended to train the spine to remain in a neutral or flexed position to avoid excessive extension during a squat and deadlift. A 20#-40# band is placed in a rack or doorway and gripped so that the hands are towards the body. Once gripped, the band is pulled down so that the elbows are touching or are near the bottom of the ribs. The abs and obliques are engaged and the spine is slightly flexed like performing a crunch. 


At this point, push the hips back and sit into a deep squat while maintaining tension in the arms and a slight spinal flexion trying to get the obliques to activate. The band helps sit into a deep squat, so this is a great mobility drill for the hips as well. Holding at the bottom of the squat for 5-10 seconds and then slowly press up into a standing position without allowing the spine to arch, maintain the crunch position. Focus on slow and deliberate control of the spine. 


Complete 3 sets of 5-10 reps with 10 second holds at bottom

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