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Category: Lower

Hamstring Hover

Sit down with one leg extended in front and bend the other leg with the foot on the floor out to the side. Squeeze the leg keeping it locked out and lift the straight leg up. Move the leg up and over the objects on the ground. Focus on keeping your hips facing forward and your torso upright.

Hamstring Hover

How to perform:

Hamstring Hover

The equipment needed for this exercise are objects to lift the leg over and a harder variant would be an ankle weight. This exercise is performed in a seated position with one leg (the working leg) straight out in front while the other leg is bent with the foot on the floor. The easier version would be to have the arms on the ground to help stabilize and the harder version is to put the arms straight out in front to make the core have activation as well. Throughout the entire movement, keep the pelvis and the torso facing straight forward and prevent the back from extending or leaning back. To start the exercise squeeze the quad and lift the leg up and over an object to the outside, tapping it to the ground. Then bring the leg back to the center and across to the inside. Lastly, bring the leg across to the outside and back, that completes one full rep.  When doing the movement becomes routine, apply an ankle weight to make the exercise tougher.


Complete 2x per each leg performing 3 full reps per side

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