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Exercise Library

Category: Core

Spider Plank

With a Bosu ball dome side down, grab the sides of the Bosu ball getting into a plank position. Make sure the pelvis is posteriorly tilted and glutes are squeezed. Then slowly pick one leg at a time off the ground holding until stability is regained. Place the foot back down and repeat on the other side.

Spider Plank

How to perform:

Spider Plank

Endurance is the ability of the body to work for long periods of time. The classic core endurance exercise is the plank. It is also one of the most boring exercises of all time. We use a more interesting and effective variant of the plank called the spider plank. This exercise challenges some deep rotational stabilizers through the use of a bosu ball. To get in the starting position have a bosu ball dome side down and either grab the outside of the ball or place the hands on top of the flat side. From here the easier version is to have the feet close together as the further the feet are apart the harder the movement is. Get into a plank position with a posterior pelvic tilt by squeezing the glutes and lowest abs. Make sure to maintain this contraction throughout the entire exercise. Once in the position bring one foot off the ground a small amount. Balance may become unstable and that is expected, hold the foot off the ground until balance is regained and put the foot back down. Then switch and lift up the other foot, each time stability may be lost and that is okay. Keep repeating the exercise until desired time. If the exercise seems too simple, move the feet further apart.


Complete 3 sets performing 30-60 seconds of the movement based on ability

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