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Category: Core

Overhead Deadbug

Starting on the back, grab a weight and bring it up straight up. Legs should be brought up to tilt the pelvis posteriorly. Controlling the ribs from flaring slowly bring the weight overhead until the ribs start to flare or full extension overhead is reached. Then return back to the starting position.

Overhead Deadbug

How to perform:

Overhead Deadbug

One of the many important functions of the core muscles is to stabilize the spine and resist motion (in this case, lumbar extension). The different dead bug variations do a great job at conditioning the core to do this while experiencing forces from multiple sources. The overhead dead bug involves resisting extension of the lumbar spine while experiencing a stronger force that tries to pull the spine into lumbar extension. 


To perform the overhead dead bug variation, some form of load is needed, such as a dumbbell or a weight plate. If at home, a heavy book can work as well. Assume the dead bug position (laying on the back arms straight up and legs off the ground bent to 90 degrees), grab the weight, and hold it over the chest. Arms can be bent or straight, just make sure to maintain the same position throughout the exercise. Slowly move the weight overhead while controlling the descent of the load, focus on keeping the back flat against the floor and not letting the lower ribs flare up. If it feels like the ribs are starting to flare, stop moving the weight and try to correct the position and bring it back to the starting position for another rep. Otherwise, continue controlling the weight down until it taps the floor over head, then slowly bring it back up to the starting position.


Complete 3 sets with 5-10 reps in each set

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