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Category: Hips

American Hip Thruster

Feet flat on the ground and the back just under the scapula positioned on a bench. Flex the core maintaining a curled position for the entirety of the movement. Squeeze the glutes and core to lock out the movement at the top, causing a posterior pelvic tilt of the hips. This can be done with bodyweight or barbell.

American Hip Thruster

How to perform:

American Hip Thruster

The American Hip Thruster is a fantastic variant of the hip thruster originally developed by Bret Contreras. Initially, this was intended to focus the load on the glutes (butt) by limiting the amount of contribution from the low back muscles. Bret may have inadvertently stumbled upon the most successful rehabilitation exercise that we have used in our clinic.

To perform this movement grab a bench to start more advanced movements and can be done with a kettlebell, dumbbell, or barbell but for beginning just use body weight. The starting position is to have the bench placed just under the scapula (shoulder blade) and feet flat on the floor hip width apart. From here the most important part of the exercise is to maintain a curl throughout the entire movement by contracting the abs and bringing the shoulders forward. NO extension should be involved at any point during the exercise. Watching videos of normal hip thrusters, it may be noticed that a curl is not maintained and that is not what we are looking for. For the movement to start squeeze the glutes bringing them to a locked out position which is achieved when the top of the legs are parallel to the ground. The muscles where the movement should be felt are the glutes, abs, and some of the quads. Make sure the lockout is achieved because it will have the most glute activation in that position. Once locked out happens lower the glutes back down still maintaining the curl, not extending the back and repeat the movement for desired sets and reps. As the movement gets easier, slowly start to increase weight of the American hip thrusters. The goal should be to lift 1x or 1.5x body weight on a barbell or even heavier.


Complete 3-5 sets performing 8-15 reps in each set

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