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Category: Hips

Banded Toe Walk

Using a small band, wrap the band around the big toes. Stand straight up and squeeze the legs, keeping them locked out the entire time. From there side step using the entire leg squeezing the glutes. The band should always have tension as the side steps are being taken.

Banded Toe Walk

How to perform:

Banded Toe Walk

The banded toe walk is a great option to have correct form when doing banded lateral walks. This is a different movement than the lateral band walk, where the band is around the knees. To start, place a band around each of the big toes; the thicker or more resistant the band, the harder the movement will be. Once the band is around the toes lock the legs out by squeezing the quads and the glutes. Keeping the legs locked out during the movement, take a step sideways followed by the other foot taking a step. Make sure the second foot isn't dragged and is picked up and then put down. Keep taking the side steps until the desired steps one direction is achieved and start walking back in the opposite direction.


The reason that the banded toe walk is superior to the normal lateral band walk is that placing the band around the toes and keeping the legs locked out allows the leg to move as one. In other cases, like when the band is around the knee, as a side step is taken the foot will lead and the knee will collapse inward which is not ideal for any movement especially squats and deadlifts. Having the band around the toes makes it so that the entire leg moves at once and the knee won't collapse inward making the glute work, hence the burn that is caused there.


Complete 2-3x walking 20 steps in each direction

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