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Category: Core

Segmented Spinal Movement
  • Place a band around one segment of the spine. Then, place the ends of the band underneath the hands while on hands and knees. The movement will be a bend in the spine, pushing against the band, with the top point of the bend right where the band is.
Segmented Spinal Movement

How to perform:

Segmented Spinal Movement

The segmented spinal movement is a great tool for developing better proprioception of the spine and related structures as well as control and mobility. Proprioception is the ability to sense the muscles, their level of contraction, and their location in relation to other structures.


To get set up, place the band on one segment of the spine and pull the band so that there is tension on the back. On the hands and knees, the ends of the band should be secure underneath the hands. With a relaxed spine, the band should pull it down into a small arch. From here, flex the spine so it's pushing up directly against the pull of the band. The bend in the spine should be exactly where the band is applying pressure on the segment of the spine. Think about making an upside-down V with the point on the spine where the band is as the segment. Make sure that the shoulders and hips are staying in place the whole time, as the movement should only be within the spine. Once movement of that segment has been noticed the band should be moved to the next segment repeating the same motion from the new placement now. This can be done from the lowest segment, over the hips, all the way up to the thoracic spine, working on control and segmentation of the spine.


Complete 1-2x performing 8-12 reps at each segment of the spine

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