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Category: Lower

Nordic Curl

The Nordic curl involves kneeling on a pad with the ankles fixed underneath something stable.  Slowly lower your body  keeping the torso in a fixed position and controlling the eccentric part of the hamstring until control can't be maintained. From there drop all the way to the ground and walk back up to the starting position.

Nordic Curl

How to perform:

Nordic Curl

The nordic curl is a great, yet difficult exercise for strengthening the hamstrings. To start, get something soft such as a gardening pad to place underneath the knees for comfort. Something stable to wedge the feet/ankles under that can keep them down and not lift up during the exercise is needed. If a partner is available, having them hold their feet down is an option.


From the kneeling position with the feet locked in place, contract the abs to keep a neutral or slightly flexed spine and the glutes. This is the key position to maintain throughout the movement.


Using the hamstrings, pull the ankles up into the stable object and very slowly lower the body towards the ground in a controlled manner. Make sure that the bending only comes from the knees, rather than the hips. Once the knees extend as far as it can without breaking the correct form, drop the rest of the way into the ground and press back up into the starting position for another rep.


Complete 3 sets performing 8-12 reps in each set

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