Exercise Library

Exercise Library

Category: Upper

Thread the Needle

Thread the needle is great for a lat stretch and thoracic rotation. The starting position is the same as the modified child's pose, from there rotate the opposite shoulder that is being stretched underneath the arm. The head should be on the ground trying to rotate the thoracic spine as far as possible under the body and holding.

Thread the Needle

How to perform:

Thread the Needle

The benefit of thread the needle movement is great for stretching out those hard to get muscles in the thoracic spine, shoulder blades, and upper back. This is a great movement for anyone to perform to help increase mobility and relax the upper body. There are multiple ways to do the movement, but the way described is our version of doing it. The movement starts with the pose modified child's pose which is also in the exercise library. 

To begin the thread the needle gets onto the hands and knees, keeping the spine in a neutral position. From there reach one hand over the other, making sure the bending comes from the bottom of the ribs and not the hips. After the hand is reaching over sit the hips back and away to get a lat stretch going. This is the modified child's pose, which is the start for threading the needle.


Once in the modified child's pose position take the arm that did not reach over and rotate the shoulder underneath the body. The head should be touching the ground not hanging in the air, if a pad is needed for the head to reach the ground apply a pad. Make sure that the shoulder is rotated as far as it can under the body to get the full release point. The hips should still be sat back and the lat stretch should still be active. A stretch in the thoracic spine should be felt. Hold the movement for about 30-60 seconds and repeat on the other side.


Hold for 30-60 seconds per side

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