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Category: Lower

SL Bosu Balance

Standing on a Bosu ball with a single leg dome side up or down. The supporting leg should be straight with the free leg staying by the balancing leg to focus on keeping the Bosu ball as still as possible to not lose balance.

SL Bosu Balance

How to perform:

SL Bosu Balance

This exercise is a great way to build balance throughout the body focusing on one leg at a time. To start off for beginners, it is suggested to start on something like an airex pad because the intensity of how hard it is to balance isn't as difficult. Place one foot, preferably barefoot, on the center of the pad and stand up until the leg is completely straight and hold. To make this a bit more challenging a weight transfer can be done. Grab a light dumbbell or weight. Start with one arm fully extended out to the side while the other is by the chest. From there bring the weight into the chest transfer to the other hand and extend that hand, all while balancing on the single leg.


The more advanced versions can be done with the bosu ball dome side up or down. Depending on the orientation, the muscles used in balance will vary. With the dome side up it will focus on foot and ankle stability and is used the same way as the airex pad. When the dome side is down it is a little different at first with the ankle being the main stabilizer. It might be noticed that the first time on the bosu ball with the dome side down that the ankle wobbles a crazy amount. Stick with it as a muscular neural connection will be made and the wobble will go away after some time. To make it even more advanced, with the dome side down after balancing on it, try to control making circles by pressing with different toes on the ball. This is a tremendous exercise to help work on and build on balance.


Complete 3x on each leg performing 30-60 second holds for each time

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